All three shooters, BioShock, BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite make their appearances on a Nintendo platform for the first time while keeping its still-relevant first person shooter mechanics intact.

The social/political backdrop of one fictional city (set in the year 1912) includes the use of derogatory ethnic/racial terms (e.g., the words "gook," "chink," "negroes," "injuns," "crackers") language such as “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “c*nt” can also be heard.Like fine wine, 2K’s BioShock series has aged gracefully into the Nintendo Switch and pulls out all the stops in making the console’s best-looking games to date. During the course of the game, players can consume alcoholic beverages, resulting in a screen-blurring effect a handful of scenes depict children smoking cigarettes. You sell soybeans I sell companionship.”). The game references sexual material in the dialogue (e.g., “I think yeh gave me the clap, ya dirty boy,” “Gonorrhea! That's what you'll get,” and “Sexual intimacy is no different from any other commodity friend. Cutscenes also depict intense acts of violence: characters shot in the head at close range a woman smothered to death with a pillow a man impaled by a drill a character nearly lobotomized with surgical tools. Large blood-splatter effects occur as enemies are injured pools of blood can be seen around corpses. Players can also use special powers (e.g., telekinesis, fire blasts, electric bolts) to kill enemies as well as a three-pronged hook to dismember and decapitate them.

As players explore each city, they use shotguns, machine guns, rivet guns, and rocket launchers to kill mutated citizens and enemy soldiers. This is a collection of three first-person shooters in which players assume the role of characters uncovering the mysteries behind the dystopian societies of Rapture and Columbia.