There are six classes to choose from: knight, robber, sorcerer, cleric, paladin, and archer.

In the beginning of the game, the player creates a party of six adventurers. The entire game is viewed from first-person perspective, and the game environment consists of maze-like passages made with pseudo-3D graphics. In this way the game resembles The Bard's Tale, though it has a significantly larger playing environment with several towns. Core gameplay concept is similar to that of Wizardry games, though the game does not focus solely on dungeon crawling and features overworld areas and towns that can be physically navigated. The Secret of the Inner Sanctum is a role-playing game and the first installment in the Might and Magic series. Their task is to find the real king and ultimately stop the mysterious space traveler, revealing the truth about the world's origin in the process. Before long the heroes realize that one of the four kings that rule the countries of Varn is in fact an impostor, a creature from outer space.

A party of adventurers in what appears to be a medieval fantasy world called Varn is looking for an entrance to the highly coveted Inner Sanctum.