Contact Hawaiian Lei Greetings if you're arriving at Kona International Airport. If not, it's easy to arrange a lei greeting for yourself or for your companions before you arrive. If you've booked a vacation with a wholesaler or tour company, a lei greeting might be included in your package, so check before you leave. This charming custom ranks as one of the fastest ways to make the transition from the worries of home to the joys of being on a tropical holiday. When you disembark from a long flight, perhaps a bit groggy and stiff, nothing quite compares with a fragrant Hawaiian-lei greeting. Children may refer to elders as "aunty" or "uncle," even if they aren't related, which reflects an ingrained sense of respect for family. Women will often hug and kiss one another on the cheek and men will shake hands and sometimes combine that with a friendly hug.

Hawaii is a very friendly place and this is reflected in the day-to-day encounters between friends, family, and even business associates.